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Michael Herzog

Professor Michael Herzog

Professorial Fellow; Professorial Fellow in Geography; Director of Studies


Degrees &  Honours:   

  • PhD Geophysical Sciences, Max-Planck-Institute of Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
    Diploma in Physics, University of Bonn, Germany

Research Interests:

My research delivers new quantitative understanding of dynamical, cloud and aerosol microphysical processes in the atmosphere not only for meteorological clouds but also for volcanic plumes. I apply this detailed process knowledge to a deeper understanding of the natural hazards, atmospheric circulation systems and the representation of these processes in numerical models.

My current projects include:

  • : Despite much effort the representation of clouds including convection, remains a major source of uncertainty in atmospheric models for climate and numerical weather prediction. The Convective Cloud Field Model is a novel approach to parmeterise convection that explicitly distinguishes between individual clouds and their interaction in an ensemble of clouds.
  • : Explosive volcanic eruptions present a global hazard to health, the environment and the economy. We perform detailed simulations of volcanic plumes in order to understand the influence of processes such as particle aggregation on the plume development.


  • Since   2021: Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
  • Since 2020: Reader in Atmospheric Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
    2007 - 2020: University Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
  • 2005 - 2007: Visiting Scientist, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey
  • 2001 - 2005: Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 1999 - 2000: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 1998: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Volcanology and Petrology, Geomar Research Institute Kiel, Germany

Authored work

  • Journal articles


    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., 2021. Synoptic processes of winter precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin. Weather and Climate Dynamics, vol. 2, issue 4, p.1187-1207. .


    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., accepted 2021. Synoptic processes of winter precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin. weather and climate dynamics, .



    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., 2020. Cross-validating precipitation datasets in the Indus River basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 24, issue 1, p.427-450. .

    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., 2020. Contribution of cross-barrier moisture transport to precipitation in the upper Indus River Basin Contribution of cross-barrier moisture transport to precipitation in the upper Indus River Basin. Monthly Weather Review, vol. 148, issue 7, p.2801-2818. .

    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., 2020. The relationship of Western Disturbances to precipitation in the upper Indus River basin. EGU General Assembly 2020, .


    Baudouin, J.-.P., Herzog, M. and Petrie, C.A., 2019. Cross-validating precipitation datasets in the Indus River basin. p.1-45. .


    Savre, J. and Herzog, M., 2019. A general description of entrainment in buoyant cloudy plumes including the effects of mixing-induced evaporation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 76, issue 2, p.479-496. .



    Song, J., Fan, S., Lin, W., Mottet, L., Woodward, H., Wykes, M.D., Arcucci, R., Xiao, D., Debay, J.-.E., ApSimon, H., Aristodemou, E., Birch, D., Carpentieri, M., Fang, F., Herzog, M., Hunt, G.R., Jones, R.L., Pain, C., Pavlidis, D., Robins, A.G., Short, C.A. and Linden, P.F., 2018. Natural ventilation in cities: the implications of fluid mechanics. Building Research & Information, vol. 46, issue 8, p.809-828. .


    Wang-Chun Lai, A., Herzog, M. and Graf, H.-.F., 2018. ENSO forecasts near the spring predictability barrier and possible reasons for the recently reduced predictability. Journal of Climate, vol. 31, issue 2, p.815-838. .



    Bannister, D., Herzog, M., Graf, H.-.F., Hosking, J.S. and Short, C.A., 2017. An Assessment of Recent and Future Temperature Change over the Sichuan Basin, China, using CMIP5 Climate Models. Journal of Climate, vol. 30, p.6701-6722. .



    Conference proceedings

    Vaughan, A., Lane, N. and Herzog, M., 2021. Multivariate climate downscaling with latent neural processes.


    Penner, J.E., Andronova, N., Oehmke, R.C., Brown, J., Stout, Q.F., Jablonowski, C., van Leer, B., Powell, K.G. and Herzog, M., 2007. Three dimensional adaptive mesh refinement on a spherical shell for atmospheric models with Lagrangian coordinates. SciDac 2007: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, vol. 78, p.U546-U550. .


    Penner, J.E., Herzog, M., Jablonowski, C., van Leer, B., Oehmke, R.C., Stout, Q.F. and Powell, K.G., 2005. Development of an atmospheric climate model with self-adapting grid and physics. SciDAC 2005: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, vol. 16, p.353-357. .


    Herzog, M., Penner, J.E., Walton, J.J., Kreidenweis, S.M. and Harrington, D.Y., 2000. Modeling of global sulfate aerosol number concentrations. NUCLEATION AND ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS 2000, vol. 534, p.677-680.


    Langmann, B., Herzog, M. and Graf, H.F., 1997. Sensitivity of solar irradiance to atmospheric sulfate aerosols: Comparison of global and regional model results. REGIONAL MODELLING OF AIR POLLUTION IN EUROPE, p.103-108.
